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Honors Physics - Home Page


Welcome to the LPHS Honors Physics web site!

These pages have been created for the students and parents of students enrolled in Lake Park High School's Honors Physics class.  The major goal of this site is to provide students and parents with a convenient way of staying informed about what is happening in class on a daily basis.

The links to the right have been set up to quickly link you to the information you need.  Here is a summary of what you will find on each page:

  • What's New - Check out what's new in class.  Look for important announcements or helpful tips on specific assignments.

  • Class info - Here you will find an explanation of what physics is, what we will study, and who can take Honor's Physics.  In addition, I discuss the major differences between honors and regular physics, grades, and the Illinois State Learning Standards.

  • Grades - Both students and parents can check grades online.  All you need is an access code from me, then follow the instructions here to create an account.

  • Schedule - Miss a day?  Or are you interested in seeing what is coming up?  Look up the schedule from the first day of class to a week in advance.

  • Lecture Notes - Most of the notes in this class are given as PowerPoint presentations. I keep links to all of these lecture notes on this page, just in case you missed them or want to review.

  • Class Projects - Check out some of the projects we may do in class this year.  The explanations that are listed here should help.

  • Other Links - From physics humor to physics constants and equations, the page has some good links to help you throughout the year.

We hope you find this site useful in your continuing study of physics. Applications of physics concepts are all around you, that's what makes it so interesting.  As you go through this course, we hope you not only improve your scientific knowledge and skills, but realize that science can also be fun.

Mr. Todd Mickley and Mr. Chris Roleck
LPHS Honors Physics Teachers


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