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Honors Physics - Grades


Check grades online!

Check your grades online using Home Access Center.

Why post grades online?

Both students and parents can check grades online once they obtain an access code from the school.  The use of this online reporting system allows:

  • A secure, efficient way post grades.
  • Both the students and parents to know exactly how the student is performing in the class.
  • More up-to-date progress reports (grades are updated at least once a week)

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How are grades determined?

All assignments are given point values based on the quantity and difficulty of the work.  Each assignment can be categorized into one of the following types of assignments.  Each category is then weighted according to the chart below to determine the final grade:

Category Value
Homework  10% 
Labs/Projects  25% 
Tests /Quizzes 40% 
Semester Exam  25%

Because of this weighting system, it can be difficult for students to keep track of their own grades.  To minimize this effect, and in an attempt to keep both students and parents informed of the student's progress, I post the current grades online at least once a week.

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